Saturday, January 9, 2010

Reading HWTSAM

I realized only after I got a ping from Pradeep that its been quite a while since I've visited by own blog, leave along adding new blog posts.
Its my usual excuse as the case is from any IT folk, release pressures, busy schedules, blah, blah.....
I've picked up a copy of 'How we test software at Microsoft' and half way done with the book when I came across a very interesting story from Bj Rollison one of the co-authors of the book. Here's how the abridged version goes.

A kindergarten teacher asked her students 'Who knows the color of the apples?' Several students raised their their hands followed by the answers, some mentioned red, others green and few other yellow. The teacher thanked the students for their answer , the appreciated their knowledge of apples and was about continue with her lesson when she noticed a little girl with her hands still raised. The teacher called upon the child and the little girl replied 'apples are white'. The somewhat puzzled teacher politely replied, 'Elizabeth, the apples are red, green and yellow, but I've not seen a white apple'. Elizabeth peered over the glasses looked at the teacher and bluntly declared, 'All apples are white on the inside!'

Rollinson describes the story as a prelude to describing structural testing techniques. However the story brings into perspective what many testers fear testing traps!
HWTSAM is certainly a good book and must read for all testers. More reviews to follow once I complete the book.

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